Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Migration suites/tools- the players

Microsoft - ADMT 3.0, ADMT 3.1(BETA) - Users, Groups, Profiles, Workstations, Servers. ADMT 3.1 now support Server 2008.

Microsoft - FSMT (File Servers, only currently supported up to Server 2003), Print Migrator (Print Queue/Server Migrations, currently supported up to Server 2003)

Quest Software - DMW and Quest Migration Manager for AD

NetIQ - Domain Migration Administrator

WinZero - Server and Domain Migrator 2007

PointDev - PointDev's IdealMigration is a great product to demo. It includes MMC snap-in functionality, and the free reporting features included in the Demo alone make it worth checking out. Ideal for NT/2000/2003 environments.

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