Wednesday, July 9, 2008

ADMT User Migration command-line syntax (and examples)

Technet reference article

Credit to Brent Dorrington for the below examples:

Admt.exe can be used to migrate users from the command-line (if you're sick of the ADMT GUI, or just want to automate/batch/script your migrations):

Appropriate syntax:

ADMT USER /N "user_name1" "user_name2" /SD:"source_domain" /TD:"target_domain" /TO:"target_OU" /MSS:YES

Therefore, if you have a CSV file, with your username in the 1st column, you could run

for /f "tokens=1,2,3* delims=,/ " %%i in (mycsvfile) do ADMT USER /N "%%i" "%%i" /SD:"source_domain" /TD:"target_domain" /TO:"target_OU" /MSS:YES

Note: if you are running from command line, remove the 2nd % in above syntax. The above syntax is fine if you are running in a batch file.

If the 1st column isn't command-line, then just increment %i (i.e. 2nd column would be %%j and so on. You will need to increase the tokens if the username is in column 3 or greater.

Thanks Brent!

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